Neurofeedback is Safe

Neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive, drug-free brain training method that helps your central nervous system make the best use of your brain’s natural resources. Neurofeedback is extremely powerful and effective.

Neurofeedback supports the body’s own self-regulation system, teaching your brain to properly regulate itself. Neurofeedback is essentially a workout for your brain. It trains your brain to be more flexible and resilient. A brain that is more flexible and resilient adapts and responds quicker and more appropriately to changes in your environment. The more easily your brain adjusts to changes encountered in your normal busy day, the better you feel and perform.

So, what conditions benefit from neurofeedback? ADHD, emotional regulation/mood swings, decreased mental functioning (attention, concentration, memory, alertness, motivation, brain fog), stress management, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, autism, tension headaches/migraines, chronic pain/fibromyalgia, addictions, mild traumatic brain injury (concussions), posttraumatic stress disorder, peak performance training, and more.

Our neurofeedback program helps you move your brain away from old, painful, self-defeating patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving; and instead creates new brain connections that are associated with focus, calmness, clarity, motivation, and optimal performance.

So, why should you choose our neurofeedback program over others? One of the best things about our neurofeedback training is that you can train remotely, in the comfort of your own home. While traditional neurofeedback requires frequent visits to a clinic, making it costly and time-consuming, recent technological advancements in the field have made it possible to offer our Remote Neurofeedback Brain Training and Coaching Program. 

Our program utilizes a highly specialized app that allows you to train anywhere in the world, using a convenient wireless headset and mobile app that has games and videos. 

After conducting an assessment (either remotely or in our office) and determining your brain goals, we will create a custom program tailored to your specific needs.

Once that is done, your training can begin, no matter where you are located - all you need is an internet connection, someplace quiet to train, and your specialized brain-sensing headband. 

If you are ready to become the best version of yourself, give us a call and request an appointment with Dr. Chris Enomoto. Let’s Do This!